How To Propagate Indoor Purple Spider Plant?


adaptive indoor plants is the purple spider plant, which is also quite simple to grow. A elegant plant that can be used as a hanging plant or on a tabletop, mantle, or other flat surface because of its magnificent arching leaves. The pet-friendly indoor purple spider plant is a beneficial addition to your house because it also purifies the air.

purple spider plants are said to be particularly hardy because they are indigenous to southern and tropical Africa. These plants will generate “spiderettes” when they are fully grown, which you can use to start more plants. These entertaining, quickly expanding plants are a fantastic choice for novice plant keepers.


At the end of their lengthy, stiff stalks, mature purple spider plants will produce “spiderettes,” or baby purple spider plants. Simply snip off the small plant from your purple spider plant, place it in a tiny container with moist soil, and water it lightly. The spiderette can also be placed in a glass of water for one to two weeks, after which the rooted plantlet can be planted in a pot of soil.

Care instructions for your purple spider plant

Follow these guidelines to take care of a purple spider plant. This article will explain how to water a purple spider plant and what kind of light, temperature, humidity, and other care it prefers to flourish.

LIGHT purple spider plant

You can put your purple spider plant in an area with low to moderate light. The stripes will be more pronounced the more light the plant receives. Be careful since too much direct sunlight can burn the foliage.


When 50 to 75 percent of the soil volume is dry, water your purple spider plant. Dark brown tips indicate overwatering whereas dry crispy tips frequently indicate underwatering.


The ideal temperature range for your plant is 60 to 80 °F.


Feed indoor plants with an all-purpose fertiliser like our All Purpose Fertilizer once a month in the spring and summer (20-20-20).


Humans, dogs, and cats can all safely consume the purple spider plant.


“Spiderettes,” or “pups,” are produced by mature purple spider plants. You can cut these young plant offspring from the mother plant and nurture them to grow a completely new plant. In 2-4 weeks, roots should start to appear.


Don’t worry if you’re a novice gardener with little knowledge of propagation. The most straightforward plants to grow are purple spider plants.

Simply keep an eye out for plantlets, which resemble miniature versions of your purple purple spider plant. The plantlets should be separated from the mother plant and placed in a pre-filled pot with potting soil.

Maintain your newborn plant’s health by placing it in partial to full sun and giving it weekly waterings. New spider flowers and leaves will start to appear soon, too!

Common Issues

Despite this plant’s reputation for hardiness, you can still have to deal with issues like the plant becoming limp, the leaves changing colour, or pest infestation.

Almost all plants have leaf colour alterations. They serve as a gauge of the plant’s general health, so if they begin to change colour, your plant probably has some kind of problem.

1.leaf tips that are fading

When it comes to purple spider plants, this is a typical problem, but don’t worry—there is an easy fix.

This can happen because some types of water contain chlorine, so you should be more aware of the type of water you are using. Instead, use distilled water.

It’s also crucial to consider where you’ll place your new plant. Is the amount of direct sunshine too high? Is the humidity too low?

If so, you might want to think about moving your plant because it likes dampness and dim lighting.

2. blackening of the leaves

Overwatering is frequently the cause of root rot, which is indicated by black leaves. Reduce the amount of watering your purple plant receives and choose soil that dries quickly to solve this problem.

3. changing yellow leaves

Insufficient sunlight can cause your plant’s leaves to become yellow. The white streaks on the leaves can perhaps vanish entirely. Simply move your plant to a location with ample bright light if this happens to it.

There could be a number of causes if your Violet queen appears to be having a hard time, with withering leaves and a sad, limp appearance overall.

Your purple purple spider plant either needs more sunlight or you are overwatering it. Your plant will quickly appear happy and vibrant again if you just stop overwatering it and place it somewhere with enough light.

infestations of pests

Pests like mealybugs, whiteflies, and spider mites could be harming your purple spider plant. The plant can be protected from these pests by misting them occasionally.

Insecticides can be used to get rid of them if this problem persists or gets worse over time.

Final Reflections

Detailed image of a purple purple spider plant

The purple purple spider plant is the best option if you want your house to smell and look good. This plant will look lovely hanging from a basket with its magnificent purple flowers and variegated leaves.

Due to its ease of maintenance and ease of propagation, it is an excellent plant for novice plant enthusiasts.

Your Violet queen will enjoy living in your house if you only maintain the soil dry, don’t overwater it, and put it somewhere cool and sunny.

Sam Dilan

One of the contributors to this website is Sam Dilan. She has written articles for a long time. She is also an expert in search engine optimization (SEO). You'll be able to find her name mentioned in a lot of different news, <a href="">articles posts</a>. She is a well-known author of this current generation. <a href="">Blogwi</a> is the name of the website that she created herself.

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