How to Add Closed Captions to Instagram Stories

In today’s digital age, social media platforms play a crucial role in connecting people and sharing content. One popular platform that has gained immense popularity over the years is Instagram. With millions of users worldwide, Instagram allows individuals and businesses to share photos and videos with their followers. However, not everyone can fully enjoy the content shared on Instagram due to various reasons, including hearing impairments. To make your Instagram Stories more inclusive and accessible to a wider audience, adding closed captions is essential. In this article, we will guide you through the process of adding closed captions to your Instagram Stories.

Why Should You Add Closed Captions?

Closed captions provide textual representation of the audio content in a video. They can be extremely beneficial for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as those who prefer to watch videos without sound, such as when in a public place or in a quiet environment. By adding closed captions to your Instagram Stories, you can ensure that your content is accessible to a larger audience, including those with hearing disabilities. It also demonstrates inclusivity and shows that you value all your followers, regardless of their hearing abilities.

Step 1: Create Your Instagram Story

The first step is to create your Instagram Story as you normally would. Open the Instagram app on your smartphone and tap on the camera icon at the top-left corner of the screen. Take a photo or record a video that you want to share with your followers. Add filters, stickers, or any other desired elements to enhance your Story.

Step 2: Generate Closed Captions

Once you have created your Instagram Story, you need to generate closed captions for the audio content. There are several ways to do this. You can manually transcribe the audio by typing out the dialogue or use automatic speech recognition (ASR) tools that convert spoken words into text. Some popular ASR tools include,, and These tools use advanced algorithms to transcribe the audio accurately, saving you time and effort.

Step 3: Edit and Format Closed Captions

After generating the closed captions, review and edit them for accuracy. While ASR tools are highly effective, they may not always capture the audio perfectly. Make necessary corrections to ensure that the text accurately represents the dialogue in your Instagram Story.

Next, format the closed captions to make them visually appealing and easy to read. Instagram provides several options for customizing the appearance of text in Stories. You can change the font style, size, color, and background to make the closed captions stand out. Experiment with different combinations to find a visually appealing format that suits your style and aligns with your brand identity.

Step 4: Add Closed Captions to Your Instagram Story

Now that you have edited and formatted the closed captions, it’s time to add them to your Instagram Story. To do this, save the closed captions as a separate text file on your smartphone. Then, open the Instagram app and select the Story you created earlier. Tap on the sticker icon located at the top of the screen, which looks like a square smiley face. Scroll through the sticker options and select the “Text” sticker.

In the text editing window, delete the default text and paste the closed captions from the text file. Adjust the position, size, and orientation of the closed captions to ensure they don’t obstruct any crucial elements in your Story. You can also use the formatting options available within the Instagram app to further customize the appearance of the closed captions.

Step 5: Publish and Engage

Once you have added the closed captions to your Instagram Story, you are ready to publish it. Tap the “Your Story” button to make it visible to your followers. As your Story plays, the closed captions will be displayed along with the audio content, making it accessible to individuals who rely on captions.

Remember to engage with your audience by encouraging them to provide feedback on the closed captions. This will help you refine your captioning process and make future Stories even more accessible.


Adding closed captions to your Instagram Stories is a simple yet impactful way to make your content more inclusive and accessible. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can ensure that individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing can fully engage with your Stories. Embracing closed captions not only expands your reach but also shows your commitment to creating an inclusive digital environment. Start incorporating closed captions into your Instagram Stories today and make a positive impact on your audience.

Davis Roseanna

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